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School Governance Council

Webb Bridge SGC


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All meetings start at 7:30am

Click Here for Meeting Link

or attend in person at

Webb Bridge Middle School in the PLR Room

We welcome your comments!

Please click the icon below to submit a general comment or question to the School Governance Council.



We want to hear from you!


The purpose of the School Governance Council is to provide parents, school staff, and community members with a leadership role in the management of the school. The School Governance Council is a governing body that is representative of the community and the school, but operates under the control and management of the Board of Education. The Council is responsible for making decisions regarding the strategic direction of the school including: 

a.) Approve the school strategic plan and updates 
b.) Approve the annual budget recommendations and resource allocations 
c.) Manage Request for Flexibility process
d.) Participate in hiring of the principal (in the case of a vacancy) 
e.) Provide annual feedback on principal performance 

Webb Bridge's School Governance Council welcomes feedback related to the school strategic plan and implementation of related programs.  You may contact any council member in person or via email (below).  Public Comment time is also allocated at the beginning of each regularly-scheduled SGC meeting. The protocol for requesting a two-minute time slot is linked here.





Term Ends

Julie Morris Principal

No Term End Date
Nicole Mabry Appointed Community Member - Chair 6/30/2025
Claudia Strange Appointed Community Member 6/30/2026
Jim Hand Elected Parent - Vice Chair 6/30/2026
Jo Nicholson Elected Parent 6/30/2026
Aparma Thirumurthy Elected Parent 6/30/2025
Mia Awad Appointed Staff Member 6/30/2025
Rynn Goldstein Appointed Staff Member 6/30/2026
Caroline Kelly Elected Staff Member 6/30/2026
Lindsey Patterson  Elected Staff Member - Parliamentarian 6/30/2025


School Governance Councils

  • School Governance Councils are an integral component of Fulton's charter system. School Governance Councils, or SGCs, are responsible for setting and monitoring the strategic direction of the schools.​


    Powers & Responsibilities

    The responsibilities of SGCs are as follows:

    • Approve the school's Strategic Plan
    • Approve the school's budget recommendations
    • Manage the Request for Flexibility process
    • Participate in the hiring process when hiring a new principal
    • Provide feedback on the principal's performance
    • Interface with the school's Title I committee (where applicable)



    The SGC has 9 voting members:​

    • 3 parents/guardians (elected by parents/guardians of the school)
    • ​2 teachers (elected by school employees)
    • 2 community members (nominated by the principal, approved by the SGC)
    • 2 school employees (appointed by the principal)

    The principal serves on all SGCs as a non-voting member. Additionally, 2 students serve on high school SGCs as non-voting members. This makes a total of 10 SGC members in elementary and middle schools and 12 members at high schools.


    Public Meetings

    All SGC meetings are open to the public per Georgia's Open Meetings Act and agendas and minutes are to be posted per Georgia's Open Records Act. Members of the public do not participate in SGC meetings but may provide comment through designated public comment periods or in written form (email/letter) to members. Visit your school's School Governance Council website to learn more.


​Meeting Location: 

Webb Bridge Middle School-

PLR Room and Teams

All meetings will begin at 7:30 a.m.

Meeting Dates: TBD

August 23

September 27 rescheduled to Oct 4

October 25

November 22

January 24

February 28

March 28

April 25


June TBD

SGC Committees

Budget and Finance: Rebecca Williams, Mia Awad (Chair), Rynn Goldstein, Jim Hand, Nicole Mabry, Lindsey Patterson

Principals Selection: Nicole Mabry (Chair), Mia Awad, Caroline Kelly, Jo Nicholson

Outreach and Communication: Caroline Kelly (Chair), Jo Nicholson, Nicole Mabry, Claudia Strange
